
Do you want to play electronic games? Then you should play Roblox. It is a game that you can play on almost any device. There are many features to it, for example, you have an avatar that you can customize. You start as a “noob” so your clothes aren’t the best. The good thing is that you can go to the shop and find free clothes, ANd they are better than you think. There is a form of money in Roblox, it is called Robux. You use your real money to buy Robux. Roblox is more than just clothes, there are many games on this app. Some of the most popular games in Roblox are Meep city, Survive the disasters, and Robloxian High school. There are games for girls and boys. For girls, I would recommend “Fashion famous” and “Royal high”. For guys, I would recommend “Zombie attack” and “Brick battle”. I personally like the “Zombie attack”. Did you know that 70 MILLION people play Roblox?

One Comment

  1. hmsmonetaro

    Wow. Never knew that. I’m trying to play roblox but my parents won’t! Because my eyes is very bad. But I don’t know how to play roblox so no fence. It looks very fun but I never see you played that. And in drama class, you presented! It was really good! I like when you said the roblox personality!

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